Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Referring to the first event of the Democratic side, held a little earlier, Mr. Bistis felt that wa

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"Evangelos Venizelos 'lifted cross' to stand upright the country," said Nikos Bistis, member of the "Olive Tree" and the Democratic side talking to Report Evening and George Kouvara. Mr. Bistis argued that Mr. Venizelos could be part of the collective leadership of the Democratic side to emerge from the congress, which, in time, he placed before Christmas.
He noted that the conference, as was done in the case of the "Olive Tree" will respect existing correlations and obviously the strongest pole, now PASOK will have a leading role in adding that the question of whether or not preceded by a conference on leadership issue PASOK, is something that concerns PASOK. He added, however, that the electoral battle, whenever it occurs, will give the collective leadership.
Referring to the first event of the Democratic side, held a little earlier, Mr. Bistis felt that was wrong from the day after the elections and lost precious time as we had the Democratic side to build on the "Olive", which had been devised.
"It was not gold but silver was" considered recalling that failed in the elections to get a rate higher than expected at least. He emphasized that now the challenge is to achieve a serious disregard different methods of food preservation of existing schemes and to address serious invitations to forces in the field of kentraristeras. He even special mention "to forces rescued the honor of DIMAR, the space that is to be established around Spiro Lykoudi and reformist wing" as they could help shape the data to democrats.
Asked to comment on the latest different methods of food preservation developments in DIMAR and course Fotis Kouvelis, Mr. Bistis said that when the Democratic different methods of food preservation Left began to take the "line" that currently follows, he said that would be three things: that would leave the government that will have the electoral fate of C. Karatzaferi and that will end up in the courtyard of SYRIZA. It said that now is underway this third phase and predicted that Mr. Kouvelis will not autonomously participate in elections.
For the rise of Greek spreads different methods of food preservation and the situation created despite the government introduced a number of positive steps, Mr. Bistis estimated that this "bow to populism.
These are the effects of pressure from SYRIZA "adding that not to blame for all the opposition. "The government had no reason different methods of food preservation to give a picture that tomorrow different methods of food preservation we go by the Memorandum, which happens, there will be a strong surveillance.
The Draghi warned saying something good, that will buy bonds if there is a program. Let suddenly give in Greek society image we will no program without supervision because squeezed SYRIZA that will do this. "
He added that Greece will get into a program like says Draghi different methods of food preservation and will not leave a form of budgetary surveillance, probably tighter than other countries that were not understanding. Estimates, not that the world can understand this despite the fact that it has pushed a lot and stressed that the worst is Telling Lies in the world because after turning boomerang.
Mr. Bistis expressed the view that it is indeed difficult to gather the 180 MPs elected President of the Republic but added that deserves different methods of food preservation to be such an effort. "If we consider that the elections are pointless, as he correctly and Costas Simitis different methods of food preservation and if there is no visible alternative (because I do not think with my reasonable alternative SYRIZA) should be an effort to avoid," he said.
He explained different methods of food preservation that in his opinion, SYRIZA would be an alternative, if you continue what the government is doing, because then indeed would be a solution to the political system that suffocates but to leave the state of its basic rails.
"I believe different methods of food preservation that SYRIZA would be the absolute impasse," noted not because you do "crazy that says it will do" but because in his attempt to "quickly make shift 'change from what he said before the elections in what could be done after the elections , will be found "in front of a huge internal problem and there is no time to solve it smoothly.
And this internal problem will affect the country. " As an example of reasoning brought what happened in New Republic's withdrawal Kammenou business when suddenly, without time, such a change and what is happening today in PASOK which, he said, despite the fact that he has a line "national benefit "perhaps for the first time since the season Simitis, indirect

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