Wednesday, January 29, 2014

R.-What really moves people, fighting line, is always in control. We have also seen in the battles

Vandana Shiva (Dehradun, monte games India, 1952) travels the world these days claiming Freedom seeds. The Hindu activist monte games and physics has refused, however, give up his annual meeting with Mallorca, where the Seed Freedom has launched global campaign, which will go around the world until 16 October. Shiva blasts unequivocally against the "dictatorship of Monsanto" but encourages citizens not to settle the protest. Yesterday closed the meeting Education for Life in Pollenca with a call to direct action: "The most revolutionary that exists in these times is to cultivate your own garden."
Respuesta.-The seed is the source of life. Whenever we talk about creating monte games something new, talk about seeds. And freedom is most essential. The seed must be free to reproduce itself and multiply. We are talking about a common good, such as water or air, not something that can be patented monte games or so royalties can be collected. It is this sense, indeed, the struggle for freedom monte games of the seeds in a metaphor for many other struggles in these times. The fundamental freedoms are the foundation of our society, and what the most fundamental freedom of the seeds, which are the source of life ... The planet monte games lives in a critical moment, we will not find anyone. And if at a time of economic and ecological collapse to become the seeds 'intellectual property', we risk losing all the other freedoms, monte games starting with food, which is the most basic. If all the seeds we have patent in Brussels, freedom is over: that simple.
R.-What really moves people, fighting line, is always in control. We have also seen in the battles over water. Seed should be like water or air, nobody should be entitled monte games to patent them. The effects on health and the environment that may have GM remains concerned us, obviously. But more tangible today is undemocratic control, in this case the food, from the most basic thing is the seed. Five companies control monte games 75% of the seeds. Monsanto has become the symbol of the dictatorship, the food dictatorship. But forcing people to take genetically modified products. And there is a global effort by multinationals impose that consumption in all countries, even in so far resisted.
R.-The machinery of propaganda has intensified, especially in recent months. As they tried to convert the nuclear energy is an 'acceptable' solution to the energy monte games crisis, they have tried to sell GM as 'acceptable' solution to the food crisis. But the evidence is so clear: it is assumed that GM would solve the problem of hunger, but it turns out they are not producing more crops that are even lower than traditional crops. It is also assumed that GM would be allowed to stop using pesticides and chemicals, but in the end the use of chemicals has continued shooting because GMOs are not able to combat pests and have even served for the creation of 'superweeds' resistant chemical. And the most important point: it is assumed that they would bring prosperity to farmers, but in India for example has been a dramatic increase in suicides for economic ruin. In the region where I live have gone from 51 suicides in 2001 to 3,000 in the past year since the introduction of GMOs. It's three fallacies propaganda monte games rests: fight hunger, we free of pesticides and bring wealth to farmers. The evidence is very clear, but science monte games is also being distorted by very clear interests. And the media, and all eventually influences what we call public monte games opinion.
R. Today, gardening is the most revolutionary act in the times we live. Because it is an expression of the possibilities and potential of each. Learning to grow at least some of your food in a time of food dictatorship, is revolutionary. You warrant your own food. And while you seekest your own seeds, and that means you're part of the movement Seed Freedom. Gardening is both an act of rebellion and hope. A way of saying: I'm not giving up.
R. Resilience is an important quality. The vulnerability is growing at all levels: psychological, economic, ecological ... The conscious cultivation of resistance to adversity is important, but is only the beginning. Justice monte games and resilience, action and imagination: I would say out of the crisis that we need these four ingredients.
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