Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hi Sheila Marner, there is always meat preservation methods truth behind interests. I wonder whose

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Emission: Wednesday, May 30 What we eat what we eat? you sure you arrive at our table? How much chemical products, heavy metals, antibiotics or additives that could be harmful to health ingest in our diet? We live in a society with more and more abundance of food health guarantee. Never before sotmsa food was so rigorous controls, and Europe is almost impossible to consume a food that exceeds the limits of a certain toxic. For the scientists warn of the dangers of these toxic cumulative effect with the diet we eat throughout meat preservation methods our lives.
This concern makes consumers increasingly seeking alternatives dalimentaci without waste or chemical additives. Never the consumer did not have much information meat preservation methods on what slalimentaci more balanced and more appropriate for your health. Doctors and promotional campaigns we recommend increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Can become dangerous for traces of pesticides meat preservation methods with which these plants have been treated? We know the importance that has fish, especially to combat cholesterol. For what happens to the heavy metals that accumulate in such popular species like tuna or swordfish? We eat a lot more meat and chicken a few decades ago and we recommend meat preservation methods consuming dairy and growth stages of menopause. For some scientists warn that the antibiotics with which they have been treated animals on farms happen meat preservation methods to the food chain and can create bacterial resistance, which returns to deadly diseases that hitherto had care. Concerned meat preservation methods overweight, to maintain lnia or for health reasons in the case of diabtics, many people opt for light products and sugar. For sweeteners are safe as laspartam, which some doctors attribute effects cancergens? Surrounded by pollutants, confused by conflicting messages meat preservation methods that sometimes appear between what is legal and what is safe, many consumers throw the towel in and sing all: we die for something!. There are alternatives to both of attitude and personal responsibility PUBLIC. This is the documentary that analyzes eat Qu?. ENLLAOS Catalan Food Safety Agency European Food Safety Agency Ribefood sweet revolution ARE WHAT CAN sow PRIMAFLOR SNDROME the multiple chemical Perola IMIM ECOGARROTXA WHAT ARE THE Diener Meng MISSION meat preservation methods POSSIBLE ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL ENERGY SOLIDARITY NETWORK DEDULCORANTS INFNCIA ENVIRONMENT AND NATIONAL FODESAM ASOCIACIÓN ELECTROQUMICA GREENPEACE Ecologists in Action A HEALTHY LIFE documentary Montse Armengou and Ricard Belis, production Campsis meat preservation methods Laura George Navalpotro, direction of photography Charles the Incarnation, Laura Larregola documentation, assembly Esgleas George. is a production of Television of Catalonia.
Very interesting! Another documentary on the same subject, specifically dealing with school canteens and collectivities found in: Congratulations and thanks for the program
Very interesting program! Thank you also for the program recommended Miguel Angel Lopez. Increasingly people are taking this consciousness of what we eat and although much remains to have initiatives like Barcelona where the bulk of ecological products sold in bulk or restaurants where they cook it all ecological, etc.. Slowly take conscience and programs like this help to open eyes to many people who need it. Congratulations!
Hi Sheila Marner, there is always meat preservation methods truth behind interests. I wonder whose interests have owe you? this course if you have to choose meat preservation methods between the statements of the scientific community or the industry and economic powers is unclear with whom we trust. meat preservation methods congratulations on documentary!
How on earth could you issue this crap aimed at undocumented meat preservation methods alarmism meat preservation methods without the least scientific rigor and the minimum that anyone versed in the subject can not do more than find a rhythm nonsense per minute? s even the wrong language cientficament saw that the main source of information in the documentary were paranoid Internet pages with arguments that have been proven to nomssn reflects the scientific illiteracy. TV3 had a certain image of being a string and rigor of this pamphlet ignorncia you've lost a lot of people. No one who was responsible for this product so poorly prepared for I have no doubt he deserves a farewell. Shame, gentlemen, shame.
Many thanks to all for your support! meat preservation methods More than half a million Catalans did lder Without the fiction! We very Agram all comments, both positive (fortunately meat preservation methods the majority) and those that are not, because they help us to improve. Aware of how delicate the issue was, we wanted

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