Friday, January 17, 2014

Calienta 1/8 of a cucharada turmeric in a cup of water. Boils at fuego lento 5 to 7 minutes and t

Gold croc India: Turmeric "InOut
Turmeric, Curcuma longa, is a tropical plant of the family zingiberàcies (you can find and know the name of Curcuma domestic). kailis organic olive groves Other popular names are Indian saffron, turmeric rhizome, turmeric root and Turmeric. Turmeric is native to Southeast Asia and is grown mainly in India and China. It is a very bright kailis organic olive groves orange rhizome used as a species. kailis organic olive groves In Asian culture it is considered as a magic plant because of its organoleptic properties and their therapeutic and protective, especially in the liver and skin. It has been used traditionally in Chinese and Indian medicine kailis organic olive groves to cure all kinds of diseases.
The rhizome of turmeric used dry powder reduced as a species. Part mixtures of spices of Indian cuisine, especially the curry. It has a very aromatic smell and taste slightly bitter and spicy. Turmeric is also used as a food coloring (E100) to be present in all types of food products such as beverages, confectionery, dairy products, candies, cookies, drinks, ice cream, yogurt, sauces, kailis organic olive groves .. etc., and are highly regarded as a substitute for expensive saffron. Also used for condiments: mustard, curry powder and fertilizers. In other areas used to dye (yellow) fabric: wool, cotton, silk, paper and fine leather and XOM coloring in cosmetics and pharmaceutical ointments and tinctures and extracts and specialty medicines for treatments Hepatobiliary disorders.
The main active component of turmeric is curcumin, a yellow substance present kailis organic olive groves in the rhizomes of the plant and responsible for its biological activity. It has been shown that turmeric has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and sleeps hypolipidemic activity, reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids in plasma and LDL. There are many studies that show the anti-oxidant turmeric, a fundamental process in the establishment and progression of many diseases and complications such as hepatic, renal, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, diabetes and cataracts . The latest research on the biological effects of turmeric extracts and curcuminoides are designed to study their anticancer activity, especially in front of skin cancer, colon and duodenum.
RK Maheshwari, AK Singh, Gaddipati J, Srimal RC. Multiple Biological activities of curcumin: a short review. Life Sci. Mar 27, 2006, 78 (18) :2081-7. Previous Entry: Around the World Plan of school canteens ... Next Entry: NLP Practitioner Course in Andorra
Calienta 1/8 of a cucharada turmeric in a cup of water. Boils at fuego lento 5 to 7 minutes and then adds 1 cup of leche (soy, cow or goat) and 2 of almendra cucharadas de aceite (from presión in Frio). Calienta until boiling point and removed forthwith.
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