Sunday, February 8, 2015

Where and how to listen del monte teacher monday

Crisis: select salary, loses his job
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Where and how to listen del monte teacher monday
According to official data from the Federation of Trade Unions del monte teacher monday of Belarus, in May, more than 60 factories have moved to a shorter workweek. del monte teacher monday On compulsory leave with partial pay - nearly 110 thousand people. This is more than 3 per cent of all employees in the workplace.
Grodno on part-time - 10,000 employees According to the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, about 70 industrial companies in the region operate in lightweight mode. Part-time work week - almost 10 thousand employees. According to official data, in the Grodno region is not a single case of suspension of production, but part-time employment in the factories - the usual thing. In any company where I spoke, the administration has not said that he was going to cut workers, and did not even plan to do so. But at the same salary decreased. For example, Skidelsky Sugar Factory - the enterprise season. Powered six months, and the rest of the workers engaged in repair of the equipment. Head of HR department Nina Gerasimov said that especially in the holiday period working in nesezonny one go does not make, but wages - reduced. "During this period, the earnings del monte teacher monday in the lowest part of labor. The fact that the backbone of the team working on contracts, and other workers that we take the period of sugar beet, are temporary workers and work under an employment contract. Their salaries are 15% lower. " del monte teacher monday "People are fired constantly. However, no one and does not hold, do not even require del monte teacher monday a month to work out. " The most difficult situation - the company "Mostovdrev" where workers are forced to resign themselves to look for another job. Mr. Yuri, who recently wrote a statement, explained to me his dismissal as follows:
I got 297,000 a month ... "So I got 297,000 per month. I first worked in the shop chipboard, but he stands in mid-February, when it will be launched - nobody knows. We Porazbrasyvali other shops and promised to pay the average salary, but it is not even average. del monte teacher monday " Mr. Yuri leads me to the official data: only two months losses del monte teacher monday of the company increased by 4 billion rubles, and in the past year - on 9 billion. He says that the administration is trying to free itself from the workers. Mr. Yuri: "People are fired constantly. However, no one and does not hold, do not even require a month to work out. Just write a statement and leave. They are possible and impossible ways reduce the number of people. " For this reason, many looking for a job in a small town and find it is not very easy, according to Mr. George. To add to their unemployed those who had left to work in Russia, and now forced to return. However, official statistics falls in Grodno region del monte teacher monday as of April 1, there were 1.1% unemployed. The average size of payments per unemployed in March was 44.6 thousand del monte teacher monday rubles. Gomel crisis: "While sitting at the kids on the neck" in Gomel city government employment officially registered unemployed in 2800. It's a little more than one percent of the total working population. del monte teacher monday High unemployment, like, no. But also to get a job right now is extremely difficult. "Everywhere walked. A long walk, but did not find anything. Do not take anywhere at all. " Says Mr. Dmitry electrician 4 digits that three months was looking for something to do on a specialty in the factories del monte teacher monday - "Gomselmash", "Electrical equipment" Machine-Tool Plant: "For all the factories went to park. Everywhere walked. A long walk, but did not find anything. Do not take anywhere at all. " Dmitry managed to get a laborer in the market - there was no alternative. Dozens of enterprises in the city are now no to new workers. Joint stock companies & ld

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