Accumulated water flow is the location where some water toward joining a new flow direction. The nature of the existence of accumulated water flow is generally retort pouch lower than the surrounding areas. The process of making the accumulation of water flow is to make the data flow and calculate water accumulation.
The analysis uses a digital retort pouch surface data in determining the flow of water in a region referred to as the watershed analysis. In the process of determining the direction of analysis used slope of a position at a high data grid.
2. Open the DEM to ArcGIS. Here I am using SRTM DEM adalam retort pouch to the area of Semarang. More details can be opened in an earlier post. (SRTM DEM data) or you can make it from the map RBI / Topographic Map (Make DEM From Topographic Map (RBI)).
In cases, retort pouch where the DEM created itself from contour data interpolation process, it is advisable to use a filling - clicking algorithm to eliminate most of the flats and the tar pit area during the process of interpolating retort pouch DEM generalization. In the picture below for example, the presence of the well causing water flow upstream of the pixels in the well will go into the well. And we want the water to flow continuously into the mouth of the river.
The next step is tracking retort pouch the flow (flow routing). Search algorithm flow (flow routing algorithm) can then be applied to create a sub-watershed retort pouch boundaries, define the relationship between sub-basins, and calculate the geophysical characteristics of the watershed.
Determination of flow direction between the pixels according to the algorithm is done by comparing the relative heights of the pixel to 8 pixels disekelingnya. Furthermore, the direction of flow is determined from the steepest slope of the surrounding pixels.
This step is to determine the accumulation retort pouch of water flow which is the location where some of the water-way merge into a new flow direction. Or can be interpreted by forming regions predicted to be a river. This form of data files containing the pixel raster conversion results of Process Direction Flow (Flow Direction).
Using Spatial retort pouch Analyst Raster calculator, determine the actual stream lines of the flow accumulation layer. DAS is running retort pouch water in a region bounded by the high points where the water comes from rain water that falls and collects in the system. Order of the watershed is receiving, retort pouch storing, and drain rainwater that falls on it through the river. Water Watershed (DAS) is the water that flows in a region bounded by the high points where the water comes from rain water that falls and collects in the system
Use raster calculator to evaluate "SRTM Log> 2". (Note the value of 2 is arbitrary high number representing large currents in the river bed. Depending on the size of the watershed agan, may have to adjust this number.
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The process of creating a map of the slope using the software ArcGIS 10. Map of slopes made of the existing height contour lines on topographic maps ...
Yoga Kencana, ST Surveyor Measurement and Mapping retort pouch (BPN Kab.Boyolali, PT. Aerovisi Utama, PT. Wahana Adya Consultant, Department of Human Settlements and Spatial Surabaya ~ Now) Geodesy angk. 2009 Alumni of the University of Diponegoro "Learning to improvise as well as sharing knowledge, once wrote that can be useful for others ..."yoghaken twitter facebook "golden yoga Cp: 088 803 900 412/085 943 276 556 ~ Boyolali ~ Semarang Surabaya
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