Monday, September 16, 2013

Zawahiri said in his message of hope Thursday that small attacks

Al Qaeda leader Zawahiri calls for attacks in U.S. -
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has a day after the commemoration of the attacks of September 11, 2001 called for new attacks in the U.S.. The organization SITE which websites radical groups monitors, that has been reported.
Zawahiri said in his message of hope Thursday that small attacks 'a brother or some brothers' ensure that the U.S. continues to spend on security. Lot of money That should the U.S. economy weaken. smithfield ma "We need to bleed America economically. The economy has already begun to falter by military spending and spending on security, "said Zawahri. According to him, before only "here and there" which attacks needed. The terrorist leader had also know that Muslims can not have a chance to go to perform, smithfield ma even if there years patience is needed, a "major attack" beyond smithfield ma said SITE. Also Take a subscription smithfield ma to the AD
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