The Taizé Community Meetings in Taizé in every continent Prayer - songs Bible and faith European meeting in Strasbourg Pilgrimage of trust in Rwanda to a new solidarity Books, CDs, products from the workshops ... Travel to Taizé Other information
Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth Belgium: Youth Prayers (with songs from Taizé) Netherlands: Youth Prayers (with songs from Taizé) Netherlands: Site of the churches Africa The brothers in Senegal The brothers in Kenya Senegal: A fraternity in Dakar Senegal: Refugees in Dakar Senegal : A "peace caravan" Go Africa locked? Meeting in Nairobi (2008) Photos: Meeting in Nairobi singkong dan keju mp3 America The brothers in Brazil Pilgrimage of Trust in the USA: Pine Ridge 2013 brincadeira: "It's never too late to learn!" Bolivia: Days of reconciliation in El Alto Meeting in Cochabamba (2007) Echoes of the encounter or experience Photos: Meeting in Cochabamba Taizé and Bolivia singkong dan keju mp3 Asia The brothers in Bangladesh Learning to live: schools around Mymensingh Bangladesh: Agree with the song of new life India, February to March 2013: Visits to Vasai and Mumbai China: Taizé had one million Bibles printed in China Photos: Brother Alois in China Lebanon, February 2013: Visit of a brother The brothers in Korea, Thailand, Fall 2012: A visit to Ranong, close to Burmese immigrants Korea: A life expectancy Middle East: Jewish prayer for the children of Gaza Nepal: A very religious country Meeting in Calcutta (2006) Meeting in Calcutta: In trust towards a future of peace Taizé and India Photos: Meeting in Calcutta Europe Netherlands: Meeting in Leeuwarden Youth from Germany in Taizé: Hope for the Church and for the country Netherlands: 'Four singkong dan keju mp3 Freedoms' in Middelburg Russia: Brother Alois in Moscow in Moscow: The gratitude of Taizé for the Russian Orthodox Church Russia: Easter 2011: A pilgrimage to Moscow Istanbul : A stage in the pilgrimage of trust
Since 1966 there are brothers in Brazil. The first fraternity settled in Recife, in the northeast of the country, in the diocese of Bishop Helder Camara, whom Brother Roger during the Second Vatican Council had become close friends. From 1972, the brothers went to live in Vitoria 1,700 kilometers further south. In 1978 they went back to the northeast, to Alagoinhas, a medium-sized singkong dan keju mp3 city 110 km. Salvador. The brothers live in a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of the city. In this region of Brazil is 80% of the population of African origin. There is visible poverty, but the most notable is that the people from elsewhere come to visit, with a warm smile welcomed by the residents and especially the children. In a poor district of Bahia
On an area of two acres that the diocese has borrowed them, the brothers begin a small chapel built of bamboo. Then there is a guest house built. Some time later it was necessary to increase both the participants in the meetings, and for the residents the church.
In the district of the brethren singkong dan keju mp3 in the beginning a neighborhood association singkong dan keju mp3 formed to meet the most urgent needs such as running water, electricity, bus services, child care, etc. In the course of fifteen years, there are 160 people built houses. What you have done for the least ...
The original temporary form of education has gradually become a public school. From 1999, the school also receives deaf children, and later also visually impaired and even some deafblind children. If one adds to this the children by family problems have been damaged then covers the number of disabled students more than 40% of the total.
To perform all these humanitarian and social development is a foundation created (see: which operates independently of the fraternity. Another foundation takes care of a home for the elderly poor.
Every afternoon, children come to the fraternity (see: The "brincadeira"). They find a safe place to play and a little singkong dan keju mp3 food. Without singkong dan keju mp3 that they have in mind, they also learn more peacefully with each other to go. Young volunteers help in the care of the children. During the school holidays and on Saturdays give the older children to younger classes. For example, children from the poorest families are more familiar with
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