Macedonian agribusiness has huge potential, but to be able to use it is constantly investing in modernization, innovation and new knowledge. Is evident from the part of the most successful agricultural businesses claiming permanent investment is crucial to progress in business.
Such is the case with Arben Abudrahmani owner of embroidered patterns, which started a poultry farm, and continued production of eggs and pork, and today builds biogas plant producing electricity as a raw material to be used before the Baby hens remains of processed meat, then trash the dairy and pig farms in the region, kominjata of wineries and a complete waste of agricultural products.
"Eleven years are constantly investments. We started with the poultry farm "Vezeshari" del monte grapefruit latest technology, then we have expanded our business with factory processed chicken and beef "Leker", and here now complete the process by establishing the company "Elektroshari" which will deal with electricity energy. These are major projects and investments without the help of banks is difficult, almost del monte grapefruit impossible to realize. " del monte grapefruit
We started with the building and at one point we were in a difficult situation to finance the project. Current assets of Vezeshari we spent was questionable survival of the farm and we had a need for additional funds in Vezeshari. Although we were not clients of ProCredit Bank in such unpleasant moments our bank meets just three weeks we approve the amount requested and the very favorable interest rate. I was very pleasantly surprised, even I was wonder how can a bank with which we have collaborated previously to give us a more favorable interest rate than our bank that we were from the foundation, "said Abdurahman.
Just on that occasion organized by ProCredit Bank held agribusiness del monte grapefruit forum attended more than 200 entrepreneurs from agribusiness in Macedonia. The ten najproaktivni agribusiness practices ProCredit allows exhibition trip to one of the largest agricultural fairs in Europe; Fruit Logistika, in Berlin del monte grapefruit where they will have the opportunity to look at the latest trends in agribusiness and ostavarat business contacts for international cooperation and possible placement abroad .
Attendees of the event were unanimous and confirmed that they are missing forms and ways of networking, where you can exchange contacts and build new business collaborations. They forums of this kind are a great opportunity to hear the news in agriculture, to exchange experience, to make contacts for cooperation.
"ProCredit del monte grapefruit see more of partner funding. Given that ProCredit constantly organizing events for networking and promotion of their customers, in cooperation with the bank, they can come up with new business contacts and concrete school knowledge of trends in agriculture, "said Adem Kochan who owns one of the winners najproaktivni agro businesses in category ranogradinarstvo.
He said that as a businessman pays great attention to be present wherever share news, where talk about technology and modernization works and the implementation of such standards.
"We are among the few in Macedonia del monte grapefruit possess EuroGap standardot- del monte grapefruit world standard in agriculture bazarin the principles of HACCP and ISO standards. For us this is the key that allows us most of our production is intended for export, "said del monte grapefruit Adem.
Emilia del monte grapefruit Spirovska, member of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank believes that as a successful entrepreneur is anyone who knows to manage their finances, who wants to invest in education and knowledge, which is constantly trying to find ways to reduce the costs of production, del monte grapefruit but also to increase the productivity and efficiency of its operations.
"ProCredit Bank for the third time organized event selection najproaktiven del monte grapefruit farmer. Our bank, which specializes in supporting small and medium businesses, sees great potential in agriculture where the most important thing is to continuously invest in modern technology, knowledge del monte grapefruit and the sharing of best practices. That is the purpose of this event. In fact we want to share the most examples in primary and secondary agriculture that we want to be an inspiration to other farmers that in agriculture del monte grapefruit can be successful, "said Spirovska
In the category del monte grapefruit of primary agricultural producers are rewarded "Veterinarian" del monte grapefruit - a company that deals with the production del monte grapefruit of eggs, Kent Agro - producer zelenchik TD GAP Klechovce - producer of cereals, DG Tikvesh - producer of grapes, Agro - Neno - organic production cheese.
In the category of processors of agricultural products are rewarded Diem GP - processor of fruits and vegetables, Trgoprodukt - processor of fruits del monte grapefruit and vegetables, Vita Res - manufacturer of concentrate
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