Thursday, October 2, 2014

Recent Posts Water vapor and clear air discovered Neptune-like exoplanet Also Indian MOM probe succ

Sara helps Atlas in his search | Astro Blogs
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If you do not know better you would think that I talk about a Greek mythology: Sarah assisting Atlas in his quest for the unknown. So wrong. It is about Amsterdam-Almere computer center and Sara, who is well known for its services in the field of high performance computing f&n dairy and visualization, high performance networking and infrastructure services. So at least it is in the promotional leaflets. Sara is one of the eleven institutes in the world that will assist in processing the data from the Atlas experiment, the Belangijkste detector of the Large Hadron Collider. In the so-called. World Wide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) Via high-speed connections f&n dairy are 11 centers with the LHC in Geneva connections. If the LHC is up and running at full steam, the data at least 10 Gb will fly through the lines per second. For the storage of data is a key made and it shows that Sara 15% of the data of Atlas is to save. From the 11 data centers with a slightly slower speed of about gigabit per second spread further to other centers, such as the Netherlands NIKHEF, National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics. Be In all these centers and institutes two things happen: f&n dairy they analyze the 600 million collisions f&n dairy of protons that occur per second in the Atlas detector and make them continuous Monte-Carlo simulations of collisions. These simulations are necessary to continuously compare the actual collisions. Simulated collisions f&n dairy In fact, in the Monte-Carlo simulations each cm Atlas completely simulated f&n dairy and compared with the actual measurements. f&n dairy Somewhere hoped then to see where the whole construction f&n dairy of the LHC in fact to do is that to: Higgs Boson. Yes, I know, it is now boring. But it would be nice if the Higgs Boson first shows up in the data at the Amsterdam Sara! Good example for the rest of Science 2.0. Source: NRC Handelsblad, March 15, 2008.
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Recent Posts Water vapor and clear air discovered Neptune-like exoplanet Also Indian MOM probe successfully f&n dairy entered Mars orbit Mathematician "black holes can not possibly exist" What we have discovered two planets in the making in young star not yet discovered
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