Thursday, September 18, 2014


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Immune Infertility Infertility is one, it is the inflammation of the reproductive tract, when the damage sperm into the reproductive tract or difficult to produce olive varieties anti-sperm antibodies, causing immune infertility. Infertility is a family problem nowadays, but also directly influence olive varieties their emotions key. In fact, in life we all want to know the causes of immune infertility, then in the end immune infertility olive varieties is why Texas Century Concord Hospital experts see detailed analysis:? Texas Century Concord Hospital experts said married couples of reproductive age in maintaining olive varieties normal The sex life of two years and did not take contraceptive measures, if there is no pregnancy, olive varieties it may be suffering from infertility, immune infertility accounts for 20%, of which the anti-sperm olive varieties antibodies are immune infertility is the most common one. Experts, anti-sperm antibodies is a very complex pathological product, both men and women sick. Male sperm for women are among the specific antigen after exposure to blood, men and women can cause an immune response, produce antibodies, impede sperm and egg that may cause infertility. Under normal circumstances, the presence of the male's testicles blood-testis barrier, blood-testis barrier will hinder sperm antigens in contact with the body's immune system and therefore do not produce anti-sperm antibodies. Men with urethritis, prostatitis accept vasectomy or by trauma, etc., when the destruction of the blood-testis barrier, sperm leakage or macrophage phagocytic olive varieties digestion of sperm into the reproductive tract cells, which carry the sperm antigens to activate the immune system, will cause autoimmune reactions olive varieties sperm, men produce their own anti-sperm antibodies. In fact, there are female infertility caused by autoimmune reasons: one, the case of the existence of an appropriate complement, cytotoxic antibodies against the sperm. 2, the antibody can promote macrophage phagocytosis to remove sperm from the reproductive tract, is the cause of female infertility immunity. 3, the local energy antibodies can interfere with sperm in the reproductive tract, and the egg cell components song cross-react, inhibit its development. 4, under normal circumstances, local antibody plays an important role in the choice of sperm. Sperm antigens so that women produce an immune response, the female organ pathological changes do not occur. After intercourse, the antibodies attack the target is sperm into the reproductive tract.
Under normal sexual life, the body of any part of the reproductive process of generating spontaneous immunity, delayed more than two years to conceive, known as immune infertility. Immune Infertility has broad and narrow sense. Generalized immune infertility refers to the body's hypothalamus - reduce ovarian (testicular) axis either immune tissue antigens, olive varieties women can be expressed as anovulation, amenorrhea, men may manifest as reduced sperm or sperm vitality - pituitary. Immune Infertility is defined narrowly commonly referred to, that infertile couples in addition to the presence of anti-sperm immune or anti-zona pellucida immunity, other aspects olive varieties were normal.
Immune infertility olive varieties is a relative concept, refers to the immunity so that reduced fertility, temporarily lead to infertility. Infertility state can be sustained depends on the interaction between the immune system and fertility, if immunity is stronger than fertility, infertility olive varieties occurs then, if the latter is stronger than the former pregnancy. Infertility is often a variety of factors exist, immune factors may be used as the sole cause of infertility or coexist with other causes. Union Hospital is the Texas century earlier on immunological causes of infertility expert introduction, olive varieties if you have to know more details, please contact our online experts [].

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