Wednesday, August 6, 2014

As is known to have a critical need cholesterol in our body, about 75-80% of the body synthesizes i

As is known to have a critical need cholesterol in our body, about 75-80% of the body synthesizes its own daily needs. Day, the body produces an average of one gram of cholesterol. Cholesterol has all of steroid hormones, including vitamin D precursor. Cholesterol at any price lowered to suit people who want to recall the fact that cholesterol is a vital component of cell membranes, without which it is not formed any cell in our body. Also, a waxy substance that is produced with the help of bile acids needed for digestion of fats in our body, can help improve cholesterol wounds and protects the skin. It should be kept in mind that not every dangerous cholesterol, the circulating excess of oxidized (rancid) cholesterol.
20-25% of the cholesterol in foods we should therefore be able to. Cholesterol street food of india contains only animal food. Plants do not contain cholesterol, but there is a beneficial phytosterols. So growing vegan cholesterol synthesis in the body a bit, because the loss of cholesterol in the diet on the body itself to produce.
Widely considered street food of india to be a high cholesterol reading indicates an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease (eg, atherosclerosis) and can cause problems with gallstone formation. It is regarded as a warning signal for the high acidity of the body and high levels of inflammation.
However, it should be noted that the indicator is much more important for total cholesterol, LDL-and HDL-cholesterol ratio in the body, ie the ratio of bad and good cholesterol. Even more accurate picture of the body signals and provide a HDL ratio üldkolestrooli, which should be ideal conditions to be over 24 (out of 10 below the ratio is already significantly increased risk of heart disease), and blood fats (triglycerides) in the ratio of HDL-cholesterol by the ratio should be below 2
A recognized author and holistic physician Dr.. Jon Barron said the doctor's cholesterol lowering drugs (statins), using the same sense, if the delight of his car with danger as you disconnect the apparent disappearance of the problem ... does not mean that its causes have disappeared. street food of india Besides, statins affect badly to us significant energy levels of vitamin Q10, which in turn leads to a heart problem, but seriously run muscle disorders (e.g., rhabdomyolysis), asthenia and cancer. street food of india Overuse of statins using low-slung cholesterol puts a greater strain on the brain, which must start now rather than pay for itself in producing compensatory cholesterol. This can lead to over-voltage depression, depression, alkoholilembuse, delinquent and aggressive behavior, and other addictions väljakujunemiseni.
Besides other risks, street food of india statins containing aluminum, which leads to accumulation in the brain of neurodegenerative street food of india disease (including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's) increase in the risk. In addition, cholesterol street food of india is a vital role to play in protecting the brain: it acts as an antioxidant, helping to improve memory functions and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. So, if it's not just the rarity of this genetic disease (eg, familial hypercholesterolemia), street food of india you should definitely refrain from taking statins, and choose the alternative, more inclusive approach to changing lifestyles and eating habits.
In order to metabolize cholesterol to function properly, it must be the food of sufficient B vitamins (B3, B6, B9, or folic acid), vitamin street food of india C, chromium, magnesium and manganese. It is important to ensure street food of india that the food does not contain too quickly raising blood sugar refined products: white flour, sugar, street food of india alcohol. Namely, in response to the increase in the production of a cholesterol insuliinipuhangule. Therefore, if you eat carbs kiireltimenduvaid, street food of india hitting it on the ceiling as if the cholesterol levels of insulin production. Obviously, smoking should definitely be avoided.
Subsequently, whether the plants in the field, the substances and methods that successfully to lower cholesterol street food of india levels. Or, as has been said, belonged to a German street food of india plant wise Maria Treben "It is not yet established a disease in which the plant would have created God." High-fiber foods reduce cholesterol absorption in the intestines, bind and remove excess from the body and helping to expel. street food of india It is worth remembering that the fiber is a vegetable kareaine, so animal foods (including meat stringy and raskeltnäritav) it does not contain. Dietary fiber is the best celery, cabbage, apples, beans, lentils, celery, dried plums, Tatras, täisteraodras and oat flakes. Wheat bran and cereals at all cost, however, is not to overdo it, because there are more and more embedded in the gluten-nisuvalgutalumatust, ie, that people themselves may be unaware. If you know of cereals (including wheat bran), heaviness after eating, and actually slows down the digestion, it may be suspected intolerance.
Omega-3 fatty acids, enhance the good cholesterol-lowering cholesterol and the risk of oxidation. street food of india Omega-3 fatty acids act as anti-inflammatory, and keep the blood flowing. The best source of Omega 3 fatty külmaveekala: herring, mackerel, sardines and salmon. You can also Omega 3 fatty acids in flax, hemp, pumpkin and chiaseemnetest and

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