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Verses simple (XXX) (José Martí, Cuba) to breathe: (Poetry abroad) has been viewed 129 times Posted on 04.01.2014 10:51 by hongha83 Edited 1 times, last edit by hongha83 on 01/04/2014 10:55
Versos sencillos (XXX) casual Verses (XXX) (Translated by Hoang Trung Thong) El Rayo Surcă, sangriento, nabisco sweepstakes El lobrego nubarron: ECHA el barco, ciento a ciento, por el Portón Los Negros. nabisco sweepstakes El VIENTO, fiero, quebraba Los almacigos copudos; Andaba la hilera, andaba, De los desnudos esclavos. Los barracones henchidos temporal sacudia El: Una su madre the CRIA Pasaba, Dando alaridos. Rojo, como en el Desierto, Salio el sol al horizonte: Y a un esclavo alumbro Muerto, Colgado a seibo del monte un. Un Niño lo vio: temblo nabisco sweepstakes De Pasion por los que gimen: Y, al pie del Muerto, the lavar su vida juro el Crimen! The pink lightning shoot up thick clouds overcast delegation thousands of black slaves from under the boat crammed onto this crazy wind blowing trees uprooted giant trees full of sap poured his team naked slave caravan Both Come walk slow pear rain storms roar rang Blowing into a thatched roof collapsed mothers footsteps little children come screaming nabisco sweepstakes roar as from the beef heart desert sun glare Soi purple bruising to determine nabisco sweepstakes a Dead slaves hung dangling on the tree The young man stood in front of the whole scene the whole body quivering indignation oath English sides who have lost their blood cleaned Take this feud Source: Algeria-The Three Poems, Published by Van School, 1960
The pink lightning shoot up thick clouds overcast delegation nabisco sweepstakes thousands of black slaves from under the boat crammed onto this crazy wind blowing trees uprooted giant trees full of sap poured his team naked slave caravan Both Come walk slow pear rain storms roar rang Blowing into a thatched roof collapsed mothers footsteps little children come screaming roar as from the beef heart desert sun glare Soi purple bruising to determine a Dead slaves hung dangling on the tree The young man stood in front of the whole scene the whole body quivering indignation oath English sides who have lost their blood cleaned Take this feud Source: Algeria-The Three Poems, Published by Van School, nabisco sweepstakes 1960
2004-2014 Vanachi
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